Resengo Web API ~ documentation

General Info:

Xml or Json ?
C# example: a HTTP GET request
Validation Errors

Available Entities:

Module Entity
FI Transaction
PL Person
RES PartnerReservation
RES PartnerReservationContacts
RES PartnerReservations
SUB PersonSubscription
SUB Subscription
SUB SubscriptionTransaction
WS Order
WS OrderItem

Available Services for WS/OrderItem:

You can request information about all the OrderItems in your network by issuing a GET request to

Parameters for WS/OrderItem (GET):

Name C# DataType Description
LastUpdatedBySomeoneElseSince DateTime The list of OrderItems you receive will only contain those OrderItems that have been modified since the specified date.
OrderItems that were last modified by a POST request to are excluded.
You can use this parameter to set up a heartbeat synchronisation application.
OrderID List<int> The list of OrderItems you receive will only contain those OrderItems that belong to the Orders with the specified OrderIDs.
Multiple values are possible using the notation &OrderID=123&OrderID=456&OrderID=...
OrderItemID List<int> The list of OrderItems you receive will only contain those OrderItems with the specified OrderItemIDs.
Multiple values are possible using the notation &OrderItemID=123&OrderItemID=456&OrderItemID=...
Sorting string The field that should be used to sort the resulting list (this affects Paging also).
Currently possible values:
  • OrderItemIDAscending (default)
If you are using the response of this request to do updates to your system, expecially when using the parameter LastUpdatedBySomeoneElseSince, you should use OrderItemIDAscending to prevent concurrency problems.
NumberOfItemsPerPage int (default: 50) You will receive only this many results at a time.
You can request the rest of the items by re-issuing the call with another CurrentPageIndex parameter.
The default of 50 is also the maximum value.
CurrentPageIndex int (default: 1) See the description of NumberOfItemsPerPage

Response of WS/OrderItem (GET):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Fields of <PagingInfo>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
CurrentPageIndex int This should be the same value as was specified in the request.
MaximumNumberOfItemsPerPage int Informational, always 50.
NumberOfItemsPerPage int This should be the same value as was specified in the request.
TotalNumberOfItems int The total number of items that matched the criteria in the request.
If this number is greater than MaximumNumberOfItemsPerPage, you can re-issue the request with a different CurrentPageIndex to get the rest of the results (if needed).

Fields of <OrderItem>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
AssetID int?
BaseUnitID int
BaseValue_ExcVAT double
BaseValue_IncVAT double
BaseValue_VAT double
CA_Reference_SubscriptionID int
CA_SubscriptionID int
CA_SubscriptionIDSubscriptionTypeID int
ClientGroupID int
CommissionSourceOrderItemID int
ComponentID int
CustomID int
Description string
DirectPayment_ProjectCommissionID int
Duration double
FI_CostCentreID int
FI_InvoiceItemID int
Frozen bool
Index int
InsertDate DateTime
InsertPersonID int
IsFreePrice bool
ItemAdvance double
ItemDeliveryDate DateTime?
ItemPaymentDate DateTime?
ItemStatusID int
Ledger string
MainOrderItemID int
ML_PersonID int
ModuleID string
NOBaseUnits double
NOBaseUnitsOriginal double
NOPUCalculationValue1 double?
NOPUCalculationValue2 double?
NOPurchaseUnits double
NOPurchaseUnitsOriginal double
OptionListID int
OR_ActivityID int?
OR_EventGroupPersonID int?
OR_EventID int
OR_EventTypeID int
OR_Reference_EventGroupID int
OR_Reference_EventID int
OrderID int
OrderItemID int
OrderItemTypeID int
PaymentUnitID int
PriceHourDuration int
PriceID int
ProCost ProCost
ProCostID int
ProCostTypeID int
ProjectCommission_OrderItemID int
PromotionPercentage double
PromotionValue_ExcVAT double
PromotionValue_IncVAT double
PromotionValue_VAT double
PurchaseUnitID int
Remarks string
SessionID int
SMS_OrderItem string
SMS_OrderItemID int
SUB_PriceID int
SubClientID int
TD_ToDoID int
TotalItemValue_ExcVAT double
TotalItemValue_IncVAT double
TotalItemValue_VAT double
TotalItemWeight double
UnitPrice_ExcVAT double
UnitPrice_IncVAT double
UnitPrice_VAT double
UnitWeight double
UpdateDate DateTime
UpdatePersonID int
VATPercentage double
VATTarriffID int
VATTarriffImportExportID int
WSClientID int