Resengo Web API ~ documentation

General Info:

Xml or Json ?
C# example: a HTTP GET request
Validation Errors

Available Entities:

Module Entity
FI Transaction
PL Person
RES PartnerReservation
RES PartnerReservationContacts
RES PartnerReservations
SUB PersonSubscription
SUB Subscription
SUB SubscriptionTransaction
WS Order
WS OrderItem

Available Services for PL/Person:

You can Add and Update Persons in your network by issuing a POST request to
The PersonIDs returned in the response should be saved in your database.
If possible, always use a PersonID when updating a Person in the network.
If you do not have a PersonID yet (because you are uploading the Person for the first time) and you are sending multiple Persons at once, you can differentiate between the results by specifying a MemberID or Member for each posted Person. These should correspond to the primary key of your local database.
If you do not specify a PersonID, the system will try to find the correct Person in the database using the following criteria:
  • MemberID, Member, CardID
  • NationalNumber
  • Email
If no match was found, a new Person will be created. Otherwise the existing Person will be subscribed to your network and updated as necessary.

Request to PL/Person (POST):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Fields of <Person>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
Address string
AdminChecked bool
AdminRemarks string
Associations string
BirthCountry string
BirthDay DateTime?
BirthPlace string
BlockAdmin bool
BranchID int?
CanSendEmail bool
CanSendOffLinePopUp bool
CanSendPopUp bool
CardID string
Categories string
Children string
City string
ClientLoginID Guid
Company string
Company_Activity string
Company_Address string
Company_City string
Company_Country string
Company_EMail string
Company_Fax string
Company_NOEmployees int?
Company_PostalCode string
Company_Telephone string
Company_VAT string
Company_Website string
Country string 2-letter Country Code (BE, NL, FR, GE, ...)
CY_CompanyID int
Deceased bool
DeceasedDate DateTime?
Diplomas string
DisciplineID int?
DisclaimerAccepted bool
EIDValidated bool
Email string
Email2 string
Fax string
FI_VATCalculationTypeID int
FirstLogin bool
FirstLogon DateTime?
FirstName string
FreeBitField1 bool
FreeBitField2 bool
FreeBitField3 bool
FreeBitField4 bool
FreeDateField1 DateTime?
FreeDateField2 DateTime?
FreeDateField3 DateTime?
FreeDateField4 DateTime?
FreeDateField5 DateTime?
FreeField string
FreeFloatField1 double?
FreeFloatField2 double?
FreeFloatField3 double?
FreeFloatField4 double?
FreeIntegerField1 int?
FreeIntegerField10 int?
FreeIntegerField2 int?
FreeIntegerField3 int?
FreeIntegerField4 int?
FreeIntegerField5 int?
FreeIntegerField6 int?
FreeIntegerField7 int?
FreeIntegerField8 int?
FreeIntegerField9 int?
FreeLongTextField1 string
FreeLongTextField2 string
FreeLongTextField3 string
FreeTextField1 string
FreeTextField10 string
FreeTextField2 string
FreeTextField3 string
FreeTextField4 string
FreeTextField5 string
FreeTextField6 string
FreeTextField7 string
FreeTextField8 string
FreeTextField9 string
FullBlockAdmin bool
Gender string M/F or null if n/a
Group1 string
Group10 string
Group2 string
Group3 string
Group4 string
Group5 string
Group6 string
Group7 string
Group8 string
Group9 string
Groups string
HelpdeskUser bool
HideAdmin bool
Hobbies string
HouseNumber string
IDGateValidationDate DateTime?
Incomplete bool
InsertSubClientID int
Language string 2-letter Language Code (NL, FR, EN, ES, ...)
LastName_Main string
LastName_Prefix string
LastActivityDate DateTime?
LastLogon DateTime?
LastName string
LastPageViewed string
LastPageViewTime DateTime?
Latitude double?
Length int?
LocalPicture string
LoginSent bool
LogonTimes int?
Longitude double?
MaritalStatusID int
Member string
MemberID int?
MembExpDate DateTime?
Mobile string
Nationality string
NationalNumber string
Newsletter bool
OR_PersonalDelay int?
PartnerName string
PartnerPersonID int?
PassportID string
PC_Login string
PC_PersonTypeID int
Permission bool
Personal_Website string
PersonID int
PersonSubClientID int?
PersonTypeID int
Position string
PostalCode string
PostboxNumber string
PreferredPostAddressTypeID int
Promotion int?
Remarks string
RF1ID int?
RF2ID int?
RF3ID int?
RF4ID int?
RF5ID int?
RF6ID int?
RF7ID int?
RF8ID int?
SC_AdminRemarks string
SC_CardID string
SC_Categories string
SC_FirstLogin bool?
SC_FirstLogon DateTime?
SC_FreeBitField1 bool?
SC_FreeBitField2 bool?
SC_FreeBitField3 bool?
SC_FreeBitField4 bool?
SC_FreeDateField1 DateTime?
SC_FreeDateField2 DateTime?
SC_FreeDateField3 DateTime?
SC_FreeDateField4 DateTime?
SC_FreeDateField5 DateTime?
SC_FreeFloatField1 double?
SC_FreeFloatField2 double?
SC_FreeFloatField3 double?
SC_FreeFloatField4 double?
SC_FreeIntegerField1 int?
SC_FreeIntegerField2 int?
SC_FreeIntegerField3 int?
SC_FreeIntegerField4 int?
SC_FreeLongTextField1 string
SC_FreeLongTextField2 string
SC_FreeTextField1 string
SC_FreeTextField2 string
SC_FreeTextField3 string
SC_FreeTextField4 string
SC_FreeTextField5 string
SC_Group1 string
SC_Group10 string
SC_Group2 string
SC_Group3 string
SC_Group4 string
SC_Group5 string
SC_Group6 string
SC_Group7 string
SC_Group8 string
SC_Group9 string
SC_Groups string
SC_HideAdmin bool?
SC_LastLogon DateTime?
SC_LogonTimes int?
SC_Member string
SC_MemberID int?
SC_MembExpDate DateTime?
SC_NewsLetter bool?
SC_SecurityLevel int?
SC_SessionID string
SC_SMS bool?
SC_SubscriptionStatusID int?
SC_SyncDate DateTime?
SC_Synchronise bool?
SC_Visible bool?
SearchName string
SecurityLevel int?
SelectForMailing bool
SessionID string
Short_Name string
ShowFields string
ShowInMySites bool
ShowOnPublicSite bool
SiteLanguage string
SMS bool
StartPage string
StateID int
SUB_LastPersonSubscriptionValidTill DateTime?
SubClients string
SubscriptionStatusID int?
SyncDate DateTime?
Synchronise bool
Telephone string
TimeOut int?
TitleID int 0 = n/a
1 = Mevrouw
2 = Mijnheer
3 = Juffrouw
4 = Familie
5 = Dhr. en Mevr.
Visible bool

Response of PL/Person (POST):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Fields of <Person>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
CardID string
Member string
MemberID int?
PersonID int
Errors List<ValidationError>