Security |
Xml or Json ? |
C# example: a HTTP GET request |
Validation Errors |
Module | Entity |
FI | Transaction |
PL | Person |
RES | PartnerReservation |
RES | PartnerReservationContacts |
RES | PartnerReservations |
SUB | PersonSubscription |
SUB | Subscription |
SUB | SubscriptionTransaction |
WS | Order |
WS | OrderItem |
The Transaction entities are debts and payments.
When an order is created, a "debt" transaction is also made for the value of that order. Payments done by or expected from the customer become "payment" transactions which can have a status of paid or unpaid. An order is paid when the total value of all payment transactions equals the total value of all debt transactions for that order.
Do not confuse with SUB/SubscriptionTransaction, which are payments with credits.
You can Add and Update Transactions in your network by issuing a POST request to
The TransactionIDs returned in the response should be saved in your database.
If possible, always use a TransactionID when updating a Transaction in the network. If you do not have a TransactionID yet (because you are uploading the Transaction for the first time) and you are sending multiple Transactions at once, you can differentiate between the results by specifying a SMS_TransactionID or SMS_Transaction for each posted Transaction. These should correspond to the primary key of your local database. Request to FI/Transaction (POST):
Fields of <Transaction>:
Response of FI/Transaction (POST):
Fields of <Transaction>: