Resengo Web API ~ documentation

General Info:

Xml or Json ?
C# example: a HTTP GET request
Validation Errors

Available Entities:

Module Entity
FI Transaction
PL Person
RES PartnerReservation
RES PartnerReservationContacts
RES PartnerReservations
SUB PersonSubscription
SUB Subscription
SUB SubscriptionTransaction
WS Order
WS OrderItem

Available Services for SUB/Subscription:

You can Add and Update Subscriptions in your network by issuing a POST request to
The SubscriptionIDs returned in the response should be saved in your database.
If possible, always use a SubscriptionID when updating a Subscription in the network.
If you do not have a SubscriptionID yet (because you are uploading the Subscription for the first time) and you are sending multiple Subscriptions at once, you can differentiate between the results by specifying a SMS_SubscriptionID or SMS_Subscription for each posted Subscription. These should correspond to the primary key of your local database.

Request to SUB/Subscription (POST):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Fields of <Subscription>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
Active bool
CreditLimit double
DefaultAutoRenew bool
DefaultNoPeriods int
DESCR string
Description string
DFieldID int?
ForSales bool
FreeIntegerField1 int?
FreeTextField1 string
IsPublic bool
LinkedToSiteAccess bool
LinkToWS_Asset bool
MaxNOOpenTransactions int
MaxNOOpentransactionsSlackNOMinutes int
MaxNOTransactionsPerWeek int
MaxNOTransactionsPerDay int
Modules string
OR_ResourceTypeIDs string
PaymentUnitID int
Period string
PeriodStartDate DateTime?
PeriodStartTypeID int
PeriodTypeID int
PL_Categories string
PriceExcVAT double
PriceIncVAT double
SMS_Subscription string
SMS_SubscriptionID int
StartDate DateTime?
StartNOUnits double
SubscriptionID int
SubscriptionTypeID int
UsageSequence int
UserGroups string
ValidUntilSlack int
ValuePerUnit double
VAT double
VATPercentage double
WS_AssetID int
WS_ClientGroupID int

Response of SUB/Subscription (POST):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

Fields of <Subscription>:

FieldName C# DataType Description
SMS_Subscription string
SMS_SubscriptionID int
SubscriptionID int
Errors List<ValidationError>